
Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010


Of all forms of metal, gold is the most popularly used as an investment. Investor "Investors" generally buy gold as a hedge against asset price insurance "Hedge" or safe haven "Safe Haven" of economic chaos, political, social, or currency. This disorder, including the investment market slowdown, inflation, wars and social upheaval. Investors also buy gold during the gold market is being increased "Bullish" to gain profit "Profit".

Gold Price:
Throughout history, gold was often used as currency and as a benchmark or reference prices for other commodities. After World War II, the gold standard was established following the 1946 Bretton Woods conference, to improve regulations and standard procedures with the benchmark price of gold price of $ 35 per Troy Ounce (1 Troy Ounce = 31.1035 grams). The system was formed and used until 1971, when President Nixon, the U.S., stopping the system directly with the dollar gold price is the United States.

Since 1968 the benchmark price of gold is known as the London Gold Fixing, a trading relationship using the phone twice in one day to meet representatives from five companies to exchange their gold bars. Subsequently, gold bullion exchange relationships that develop and become an active trading based on intra-day Spot gold prices, spot gold prices gained from the gold exchange markets around the world when they opened and closed throughout the day market.

In March 2008 the price of gold reaches a price above $ 1,000 per troy ounce, reaching the highest price for a par at $ 1002.80 which, in real terms is still far below the peak price of $ 850 in 1980. Then fall, the lowest price with $ 709.50 in November, gold prices tend to move back to start back up, for a while and touched the barrier "Barrier" $ 1,000 per troy ounce before the end of February 2009.

Factors Affecting Gold Price:
Gold is a unique commodity, because it is the only commodity produced for accumulation; unlike all other commodities produced for consumption. Basically, all of the gold that has been mined throughout history, there are still available and stored on the ground. However, gold is very rare.

Did you know that all the gold that is above ground only about 155 000 tonnes. If there is a chance, we can collect all the gold and gold insert them into a storage hole, its size will be 8000 cubic meters, contains the same amount on the basis of one per five Washington Monument or 3 ¼ Olympic size swimming pool. Other important thing which is also surprising to note that, in one day twenty times as much steel is poured from the total weight of the gold mined throughout history.
Observations of this means that the demand for monetary gold as money. In other words, gold is rising because a large benefit, arising from the effects of the attributes that make money.

Many advantages that make gold as money. Perhaps most important in this moment, marked by a national annual inflation of paper currency, gold as money that can not be created 'out of thin air' with government approval. Another important factor that makes gold as money, is the 'mountain of debt' and financial setbacks that hangs the world economy.
Bank Failures
When fully convertible into gold paper money, the two forms of money was still regarded as a means of payment. However, most people prefer to carry paper money instead of gold coins is heavier and can not be divided. If people are worried that their bank would fail, people take money in the bank abuzz. This is what happens in the U.S. during the 1930s Depression extraordinary, causing President Roosevelt to impose a national emergency and prohibits U.S. citizens to hoard gold by. known as Executive Order 6102 which is now terminated.

Interest low or negative
If the return on bonds, equities and property are not sufficient or not to replace the losses suffered because of the risk and inflation. demand for gold and other alternative investments such as commodities added. This example of such a period can be seen at the time of Stagflation that occurred during the 1970s and the cause of economic bubbles racing to save the gold

War, assault, looting, crisis
During the national crisis, people fear that their assets may not be utilized and that the currency may become worthless. They see gold as strong assets to buy food or transportation. With so at the time of extraordinary uncertainty, especially in fear of war, the demand for gold rose

The following graph shows the 15 submarines pegerakan gold market in recent years, the gold price moves up, followed by a market panic, when the displacement Orba flying into the reform era, in the year 1998

Investors buy gold Reason:
Investors generally buy gold for two main reasons: for financially, obtained from the profits from rising gold prices, and / or as a living fence or safe haven to any economic, political, social or currency-based gravity.

Method invest in gold:
It is wise to buy gold because of warnings issues to be faced by the dollar and paper currency. Gold offers a simple thing to avoid the risks inherent in paper currency, but make sure you buy the physical metal, instead of "paper gold". There are big differences between the metal and only has a promise to pay for your metal. Sometimes these promises are not like what was promised.
Investing in physical gold that can be owned, are like jewelry with high levels of purity of gold, gold safe, such as that offered by precious metal (LMTM), examples of "paper gold" is gold certificates issued by banks and secruritas, an account of the period NYSE listed before the sale.
With these products you will have a piece of paper rather than gold itself. These products provide vision paper gold price, but they come with standard risk, namely, that you will not be able to get the metal when you need it.
Gold must be seen as a strong asset in your portfolio to invest, so do not take any risks with him. That is why have the physical metal itself, not just promises on paper. GOLDGRAM, offered to the investors to invest in gold bullion that can be done by buying gold bullion directly, or by opening an account GOLDGRAM Pool Account:
Gold Bars Main article: Metal
The most traditional way to grow money in gold by buying gold bullion precious metals (LMTM). Counter can be purchased directly at our traders, available in various sizes, (1 gram, 2 grams, 2.5 grams, 3 grams, 5 grams, 10 grams, 15 grams, 25 grams, 50 grams, 100 grams, 250 grams, 1000 grams ) the smaller the form of a bar that will be purchased, the more expensive price per gram, because there are costs above the basic price of gold production to be marketed. Regarding the cost of production, transportation, pricing agreements, storage and others. GOLDGRAM offers gold bullion investors to open accounts GOLDGRAM Pool Account, whether buying in small quantities or large See 'Account' below.

Account Main article: GOLDGRAM Pool Account
With the technology offered today, presents GOLDGRAM Pool account to the Investor Account in which gold bullion can immediately be bought or sold quickly. GOLDGRAM Pool Account This account is supported by temporary storage and collected in advance into an account that purchased gold bullion investors Spot price, without having to pay the cost of production before deciding to form the desired size of the gold bars, and then pick it up, the purchase of this gold, can be purchased only with a minimum purchase of one gram of it.
Investment Strategy:
Basic Analysis
Investors use fundamental analysis to analyze macroeconomic situation, there is an indication that the international economy, as GDP growth, inflation, interest rates, productivity and energy prices. They will also analyze the annual global gold supply versus demand. On top of 2005. World Gold Council estimates that global gold supply and the annual production is 3859 tons and the demand for 3754 tonnes, giving a surplus of as much as 105 tons of gold stocks. However, gold production can not be increased quickly in the near future, while gold demand for private ownership of gold will be very high and subject to rapid change. This makes gold very different from almost every other commodity.

Technical Analysis
Just like stocks, gold investors may base their investment decision partly or solely from the analysis technique. Usually, this involves analyzing chart patterns, moving average, the market tends to and / or the economic cycle to speculate on the future price.
Naik "Bulls" versus Down "bear":
Since April 2001 the gold price rose more than tripled compared to the U.S. DOLLAR, immediate speculation that the long secular decline in the market (or extraordinary Commodities Depression) has ended and the market is back up. However, World Gold Council report on February 18, 2009. Investment demand for gold is shown to rise sharply from mid-year 2008, which includes ETFs (exchange-traded funds), bars, and coins, up 64 percent in 2008 from the previous year

In the last century, major economic crises (such as extraordinary Depression, World War II, the oil crisis of the first and second World) reduce the ratio of the Dow and Gold can be used as a pointer how bad the recession and the outlook will worsen if the good or the economy will grow, until ratio falls below 4. On February 18, 2009 under the 8th. During these difficult times, investors tried to preserve their assets to invest in gold and silver

One of objectivity in the writing of this alloy of gold investing is to display the rationalization in the purchase and have Gold. Gold may not be the answer to all those who intended to invest, but the views from the other side of Gold never fails. Must be considered with the cook as a discourse to be able to better understand themselves and Gold as a first step in menententukan, whether gold is a step yamenententukan, whether gold is the right step for you in investing

Taken from: https: / / / panduan_investasi.php

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Gold Investment types

1. Gold Jewelry

If your goal is to invest in gold short-term profits, will usually be difficult to get the benefits if you invest in gold jewelry. Because you have to pay the price of gold jewelry purchased plus the cost of manufacture.

And a moment later when you want to sell it back, the gold shops will not want to pay the cost of the manufacture of gold jewelry. Gold shops will only pay the price of gold alone. And not all gold shops will receive or buy your gold jewelry. Some gold shops are sometimes refused to purchase gold jewelry from the public. The causes can vary, one of which is because they are afraid that did not sell gold jewelry for sale again because models are outdated. So if they buy it again, they have to melt gold. Or it could be a gold shop did not want to buy gold jewelry at that time because gold prices are fluctuating up and down and they do not want to buy high diharga. So it's possible your gold jewelry valued price lower than the price of gold at the time you want to sell it.

2. Gold Bars

Best gold investment is an investment in the form of gold bullion (gold bars). Gold is quite good when used as investment vehicles, and whoever does not deny that different from the gold bullion jewelry. Gold bars are easier to resell. In addition, gold does not ask the cost of manufacture as well as gold jewelry. Therefore, if you want to invest in gold, then there's nothing wrong you are considering an investment in gold bullion.

3. Gold Coins

Gold Coins ONH (hajj fare). That is, of gold coins is expected to be a viable investment alternative for those who want to save money to prepare for the Hajj expenses.

4. Gold Certificate

Gold certificate is a piece of paper that is proof of ownership of the gold stored at the bank in a country. The owner of gold certificates was only holding a single sheet of paper that can only be cashed at the bank. The principle of this gold certificate is a fairly profitable investment alternative because the owner does not remove the gold storage fee. Unlike when buying gold in physical form, which requires such costs to keep the gold storage in safe deposit boxes.

5. Gold Mining Stocks

You can also buy shares of gold mining companies as an alternative you invest in gold. In the state of the gold market is rising or bullish, stocks usually move faster than the price of physical gold itself. Which means that when gold prices rise, the price of both gold mining company shares also jumped higher. But for gold investment by buying shares of gold mining companies, you must be careful also about stock investing and learn first, because you invest in stocks of gold mining companies. Gold mining company whose shares are sold in capital markets today is PT.ANTAM Page ANTM share code.

6. Gold Futures Contract

At the moment there BBJ gold contract, a lot is 1 pound, gold is the precious metal gold is 99.99% purity, we may deal in the physical but also can trade futures. Obviously you need to study further for gold investing in gold contracts in this Futures Exchange.

The things above are all sorts of investment in gold, you can choose and do. Obviously the easiest as the general public is also an investment gold bullion and gold jewelry. And if your investment goal is to invest in gold, choose gold bullion. You can invest in gold jewelry, if you prefer to buy gold jewelry to wear.

Successful investing is gold!