
Kamis, 16 September 2010

Learn Up to China...

Quantitative easing policy of the central bank is to increase the supply of money with his credit his account in his own large amounts of money ex-nihilo or out of nothing or in our language from the clouds. Even money is also no need to print, because enough at the entry at the central bank account - that the money they get - then bertambahlah money.

Money is typed from the air is then circulated through the so-called open market operations, ie when the money (which only exists in computer data) are then really be used to buy financial assets in the form of government bonds, corporate bonds etc.. and flowing into the banks and other financial institusai.

Steps by central banks to do quantitative easing is not too problematic as market participants and users of money the government is still trusted. The problem is when it is more often done - then the value of the currencies of these countries will continue to be eroded quickly and harm anyone who held it.

China for example, who holds U.S. $ largest, since the last few years started to worry about declining purchasing power of their assets in the form of U.S. $ it. Because of this concern, the Chinese continue to diversify its foreign exchange reserves of U.S. Dollars, they are now actively buying the currency-the currency of other countries besides the U.S., like Japan, Thailand, Korea and even some Latin countries.

The Chinese government and state enterprises also began to collect his real assets excluding currency. In between that they collect is gold, iron ore, gas reserves, coal reserves and even wood from the forests of Guyana. From perbagai this preparation, when the value of U.S. $ continues to decline - and even one time can really lose its value at all, then maybe China is the country most ready for it. China even has encouraged and facilitated to-do people buy gold.

At least the Chinese move is certainly encouraging people for the last year the Chinese people who move to U.S. $ his savings into gold having an average profit of about 30% - the average appreciation of the world gold price in U.S. dollars last year.

With more and ramenya discourse or analysis of quantitative easing will likely surge to 2 (QE 2), very possibly the world gold price trend will continue - especially this week we will already be entering in September - where the usual seasonal increase in gold prices also occur.

When China and its people have done a proper anticipation of the policies of other countries against money - especially the U.S., why do not we also "learn to China" in the management of this asset?. Wa Allahu knows best.

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